No more “I beg your pardon” during meetings!

Tan Beng Hin (Director)

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

 “I have not been hearing clearly for a few years. Sometimes, I also hear ringing sound in my head. At home, I need to turn up the TV volume louder and I often miss the telephone calls. I was also very disturbed when I could not follow the discussions during meetings. I feel embarrassed to keep saying “I beg your pardon”.

I attended the FREE Hearing Awareness Talk conducted by Clariti and learnt so much information related to hearing loss. During the personal hearing test, I finally realised the severity of my hearing losses. I decided I needed to improve my quality of life by first improving my hearing.

I am glad to have chosen Clariti – Hearing Care Professionals to help me with my hearing.

Clariti prescribed a pair of hearing aids that matched my hearing needs, lifestyle and budget. Clariti was also very professional to ensure my aids are convenient for me to use. My aids are waterproof and I can even bathe with them.

I have worn the aids for more than 6 months and I am impressed with Clariti’s utmost professionalism during my regular visits to the clinic.

With my hearing aids, I can testify confidently my quality of life has improved. I am another happy Clariti customer. Like the many happy customers before me, I want to share the good news.

Thank you Clariti!”