
My confidence is renewed!

Lim See Ban (Fast Food Restaurant employee), another very happy CLARITI customer

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

“I have a hearing loss since young. I have been wearing hearing aids for decades but was never satisfied with its performance.

I watched the TV but still have to read the subtitles. At home, my sister often complained it was difficult to communicate with me. I worked in a fast food restaurant and I had difficulty taking customers’ orders over the counter. I was subsequently assigned to do other jobs.

My quality of life was at its lowest.

I visited Clariti in Feb 2012 and Ronald prescribed me a multi-channel hearing aid that has UltraZoom and SoundFlow technology. I wore the aids and realised I could now hear in a noisy environment. I checked and was also convinced the aid was fairly priced in the market and was within my budget. Ronald has chosen the right hearing aid for my need.

My confidence is now renewed and my productivity at work has also increased.

Thank you Clariti!”

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