
I found a professional hearing consultant and a new friend

Phua Chin Seng

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

I have a hearing problem for more than 10 years. It has been the most frustrating years in my life. I could not hear well in my social circle of friends. This has caused me to lose patience frequently. Together with my increasingly bad temper, I began to lose many friends. Despite this, I was shy to seek help and I was living a very unhappy life.

I am glad I have a supportive wife and she constantly encouraged me. She finally convinced me to visit Clariti – Hearing Care Professionals. I never thought this visit would change my life for the better.

Ronald, their Lead Hearing Consultant, professionally checked my ears and explained the results to me. He was also a new friend who attentively listened to my problems and struggles. I am convinced he could help me.

When I put on my hearing aids for the first time, I know my new life began. I could hear so clearly again. I could not explain my excitement in words.

I am still a shy person but I cannot hide this. I want more people to know what Clariti has done for my hearing by sharing my story publicly. To me, Clariti is not selling hearing aids. Clariti renews self confidence and truly improves quality of life. I am a very happy Clariti customer!”

I am another happy Clariti customer!

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