
The best hearing aid I ever had!

Lim Yuet Hoe

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

“I have a hearing problem for a few years but I did not do anything about it. I needed to turn up the volume when watching the television. This affected my family members and they complained it was too noisy. I found it very difficult to use the telephone especially in noisy environment. My family also started to complain they needed to repeat many times to communicate with me.

I have a good friend, who was a happy customer of Clariti, and she brought me there for a FREE hearing test.

During the test, my hearing loss was confirmed. When a pair of hearing aids was put on my ears, I was immediately impressed with the quality of sound that was so clear in my ears. I was convinced I had missed out too much for too many years. I want to hear clearly from that minute onwards. I was prescribed a pair of hearing aids that matches my hearing needs and lifestyle.

I returned to Clariti for my post-fitting review and was again impressed with their quality service. The level of professionalism and customer service was unseen elsewhere. I am very glad to have bought my hearing aids from a professional centre that offers comprehensive and quality after-care.

It was during this visit that I decided to write this testimonial and share my positive experience with other hearing impaired. My friend’s introduction brought me good hearing at Clariti. I hope my story will do the same and cause many more people to improve their quality of life through better hearing.”

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