
I am more than 80 years old. With better hearing, I live in a colourful world today!

Wong Sook Koo

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

“I am more than 80 years old.

My hearing deteriorated over the years and it has begun to affect my daily routine. I could not hear the television clearly; I could not engage in a normal conversation among family members. I could not hear my son when he is driving in the driver’s seat in front. This is not how I want to continue living my life. I want to hear well to live well.

Clariti – Hearing Care Professionals prescribed a pair of quality hearing aids to help me achieve my objective. After using them for a few months now, I am glad my quality of life has improved.

My aids are customised to the shape of my ears and they are comfortable to wear. I enjoy family time with smooth conversation now. No one complains about my poor hearing anymore.

I am also very happy with the good customer service at Clariti. When I return subsequently to fine tune the hearing aid settings, I was impressed with the friendly, patient and professional attention given to me.

I used to live in a quieter world. Now I live in a colourful world. Thank you Clariti !”

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