I hear clearly at seminars!

Sulpari Bin Ahmad

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

I have a hearing loss for several years already. At home, I needed to turn the TV volume louder and it disturbed my family members. They also need to repeat several times when they have a conversation with me.
All these frustrations have been removed after I read the testimony of a happy Clariti customer in the newspaper.
I am now wearing a pair of quality hearing aids from Clariti. They are paired via Bluetooth to my mobile phones so I can enjoy handsfree telephone conversations and stream music to my ears directly.
It is very comfortable to wear my aids because they can reduce background noises automatically. I can now watch my favourite TV program with ease and I enjoy smooth conversations with my friends and loved ones every day. I attended a seminar recently and I could hear so clearly finally.
My quality of life has been improved and I also want to share my story so that more people can read it and be blessed with better hearing at Clariti.
Thank you Clariti!”

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