
I can hear clearly at lectures now!

Hu Shiqi

A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:

I am 24 years old and I discovered my hearing loss in my teens. I lived in denial and resisted help until I could not tolerate it further. I am studying in SMU in Singapore and I could not hear my lecturers clearly; I could not engage in discussions with my course mates productively; My self-esteem is lowered and I was beginning to isolate myself from social gatherings. I decided I have to do something about it.

I went to Tan Tock Seng Hospital for a check-up and was recommended to visit Clariti – Hearing Care Professionals for a pair of hearing aids. I am glad I did.

I have been prescribed a pair of hearing aids suitable for my hearing needs to support my lifestyle as a student and young adult. They are intelligently connected to my iPhone for convenient streaming of media and voice calls. I can also adjust my aids to adapt to different environments I am in. The benefits I received from these hearing aids are more than what I had hoped or expected.

Thank you Clariti. I love your professionalism and excellent customer service. You have surely improved my quality of life.

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