The best hearing aid I ever had!
Oh Kheng Cheow (Homemaker) A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on: “I have a hearing problem for more than 10 years. Communications between my husband and I was inconvenient. I could…
Oh Kheng Cheow (Homemaker) A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on: “I have a hearing problem for more than 10 years. Communications between my husband and I was inconvenient. I could…
Tan Jit Khoon (CEO, Winson Press Pte Ltd) A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:“My dad has been wearing hearing aids for many years but not consistently. He does not…
Tay Geok Eng (Retiree) A very happy Clariti customer Fitted on:“我已经忘记耳朵是多少年前开始听不清楚的。 起初我不把它当一回事。后来我发现它带给我生活上很多的不便,也影响了我跟家人和朋友的关系。听力轻微衰退的时候,我常听不到电话响。电视机也必须开大声点。这肯定影响了家里的安宁。后来听力更严重的时候,我发现跟家人与朋友沟通越来越不方便。原来跟我谈天他们必须大声点,也需要重复几遍。这对他们来说很麻烦。很庆辛,我遇到了Ronald。他是一位很有经验,很有耐心,的听力顾问。他为我做了一个很专业的听力测验,还把测验报告很详细的解释给我听。我终于明白这些年我所经历的不便是不必要的。我的听力只是随着年纪衰退,只要我佩带一对适合我的助听器,这些问题就解决了。Ronald介绍了一对科技很先进的助听器给我。我现在才明白助听器的分类这么多。我戴的助听器能够在吵杂的环境中把杂音减少,将语音提高,让我继续无干扰地交谈。它也能够除掉我用电话时不必要的干扰。这助听器还能够用电脑软件更换其程序,不怕以后听力衰退。这对助听器将为我效劳很多年。 Ronald已经为我服务了超过十年。 期间我也见过其他的听力顾问。我对Ronald很有信心。他为我调的助听器让我很舒适,很清楚。我现在的生活多姿多彩,充满乐趣。希望我这见证能够给你勇气面对听力衰退的问题。如果你也有听力衰退的问题,别再犹豫了。立刻拨打6733 1011 约个时间做个听力测验!
Dispensing hearing aids since 1997, and with the passion and desire to do more for the hearing impaired community, Ronald Pang wants to continue changing lives by helping customers hear…