Winner – Singapore Prestige Brand Award 2023 (Established Brand Category)

Co-organised by ASME and Lianhe Zaobao, and supported by the Enterprise Singapore and Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), the SPBA is one of the longest running and most prestigious branding award in Singapore. The award recognises and honour brands that have been developed and managed effectively through branding initiatives.

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今年第一次报名参加,Clariti Hearing Care Professionals就获颁金字品牌奖——成名品牌,让董事经理彭定斌惊喜又感恩。他说:“获奖对我和员工是一种肯定和鼓励,让我们知道公司的营运方式是正确的。其实在这行业,服务是最重要的,我们会继续努力服务顾客。”

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